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Coach Jada's Story

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Why I Have a Butterfly Tatoo...

Let me start by saying I would never tell another woman what to do with her body. My life coaching business is built on the principle of providing the education and tools so that you can come up with your own solution. I consider myself a guide, a cheerleader if you will and my sole mission is to help as many "girlfriends" as I can find a solution to their fibroid problem.

I don’t believe I traveled the road before you just to keep all of the knowledge to myself. I wish I had known half of the things I eventually learned either through research before surgery or trial by fire.

That is why I wrote my Ebook “From Caterpillars to Butterflies…A Girlfriend's Guide to Overcoming Fibroids.” A girlfriend’s guide would have been a nice head's up while on my own journey. I didn't have that, but you do! I hope the book, my life coaching, blogs and everything I do in the name of women’s wellness can serve as tools; not only to help you understand all available options but to make the right decision for you and your future.

My Story

In the spirit of full transparency, my journey began about 10 ago. I suffered with fibroids for at least that long, that I knew of. By the time I was diagnosed, I had two the size of grapefruits. The doctor asked me 3 times if I was “suuurre” I wasn’t pregnant. (Insert eyeroll here). After reassuring her that I wasn’t, her response was “well either you’re pregnant or you have fibroids”. At that time I didn’t have any problematic symptoms and didn’t even really know what fibroids were. After an ultrasound, it was decided that we would just “keep an eye on them" since they weren't giving me any trouble.

Fast forward a few years, I began noticing that my periods were becoming heavier, lasting longer and more painful. I never really dealt with cramping or any issues related to my monthly cycle so when I began having symptoms, it was noticeable. I especially noticed how my bladder seemed to have shrunk to half its size because the fibroids were pressing up against it. I lived in the bathroom!

I explored treatment options but was not a fan of major surgery. I am a very active person, workout almost daily and was not interested in going under the knife voluntarily. Although I was in my mid thirties and still healthy enough to have a child, I knew that was not in the cards for me but I still didn’t want to have a hysterectomy. So my doctor and I decided to try an embolism procedure, also known as UFE. The PLAN was for the fibroids to shrink and hopefully one day get small enough for me to pass them. That plan failed. A few years later we discovered that 2 more had developed and my uterus was basically full of them. Even heavier and longer periods returned and I had a nice little pooch that no amount of sit ups would get rid of.

Game Time Coach!

According to another ultrasound, my uterus was tilted, enlarged and had been stretched as if I was 5 months pregnant with triplets! So although I had decided that I wasn’t going to have children of my own, for YEARS I had been carrying around fibroid tumors in my body with no due date. At the age of 44, I decided it was time to give birth! Actually it was beyond time to get my life back and get rid of the physical burden I had carried around for well over 10 years; along with the emotional and mental burdens that came with it. After further consultation with my doctor, I decided to have a hysterectomy.

My decision was followed by months of uncomfortable and even painful tests, biopsies, ultrasounds and everything you have to do to actually get to the operating table. I was so ready to get everything out of me as my surgery date approached. I made the mistake of going down the rabbit hole of You Tube videos in the name of being "informed". I read so much on the procedure and watched actual surgeries being performed, I could have done it on myself. Yeah, don't do that!

Some women don’t have any idea they even have fibroids, live healthy lives, eat well, exercise and they don’t have any problematic symptoms. Women like myself and countless others struggle for most of their child bearing years. Those who can’t get pregnant because of fibroids have an especially hard time. Every case is different and again, I can only speak to MY experience.

I talked to several people before I came to my decision. I’m a woman who always goes with her gut, but I value the opinions of those that I trust. I got advice that ranged from, “girl do it, get your life back” to “don’t let those people take your uterus!" I was told that I needed to naturally cure the fibroids which I believe whole-heartedly works in some situations. If you can find non-surgical options that work, I support you 1000%.

As for me and my womb…I sat in that cocoon and now I am a butterfly and I have the tattoo to prove it! I want to help you make that same transformation if surgery is the path you decide to take. Even if you don’t have a hysterectomy and just want help managing symptoms or educating yourself on becoming healthier and stronger, I’m here for you as well.

Wishing everyone womb healing as well as emotional and overall physical wellness.

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